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Interior Design


This is about your design not ours. We’re a team of graphic designers aiming to create YOUR next design.

4.8 stars on Google  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Hi there,


This is Joshua and Oscar Gonzalez. We’re the founder of Justify Designs.


Let’s be honest, you’re on our website because in some way, shape, or form, you want to communicate something to the world, the marketplace or maybe your organisation’s stakeholders…


Not to hear our life story.


So, here is a really short version.


In 2016 we founded a start-up called PKUP.


It was an app where you could book a driver to drive you and your car.


We were desperately trying to build our business and make it stronger and more memorable...


We tried every single digital ad we could think of...


Facebook ads, Google Ads, YouTube Ads, LinkedIn Ads...


We tried getting help from some media agencies.


At the time, we were living in Canberra and even ended up in the Canberra Times (Local Newspaper)!


But all of this did little to nothing to grow our business.


So, we decided to get back to the basics...


We designed a simple flyer, printed off 100, and went to distribute them.


To our surprise, at that time, it was by far the best "ad" we had ever created.


With this one flyer, we saw our revenue almost double!


After that, everything changed for us.


We discovered that power of visual communication. 


You see, everything on a design needs to be there for a reason. 


It can’t just be there because it “looks nice” or “I like the look of it”...


EVERYTHING on your design has one goal,


That is to communicate something. 


We learnt this through trial and error,


And now we help you create the best graphic designs to build your organisation.


Justify Designs logo: JD in black font with "Justfiy Designs" next to it in red


Graphic design for organisations serious about improving their designs and wanting to see real results. And yes, we guarantee you’ll love the design, if not we’ll refund you 100% of your money back.

4.8 stars on Google  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

*Capes not included, but our designs will save your day.


Joshua Gonzalez

Co-Founder, Account Director

Founder Josh seating with arms relaxed

Oscar Gonzalez

Co-Founder, Creative Director

Founder Oscar holding sandboard

Josh and Oscar have been featured on the following sites for their various business ventures. 

(click a logo to read more)
Featured In: logo
Featured In: Daily Telegraph logo
Featured In: Nine News logo
Featured In: The Age logo
Featured In: Win News logo
Featured In: Herald Sun logo
Featured In: Canberra Times logo


4.8 stars on Google  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

  • Can I get a quote?
    Sure thing! But fair warning – once you see the quote, you might want to frame it. Because, let's face it, our design skills are so good, they're basically the Michelangelos of the digital world. Get ready to be impressed, and say hello to the quote that will make other designers jealous. Ready to be wowed? Schedule a call with us to discuss your project. We'd love to understand your vision and provide you with a personalised quote.
  • Do you work with big or small organisations?
    Size doesn't matter in the world of design – however at Justify Designs, we specialise in graphic design specifically for larger companies and institutions. Whether you're a major corporation or a government agency, our designs are geared to give your organisations a boost and stand out in your field.
  • How do I know if the designs will be good?
    Good? We don't do good; we do phenomenal. Rest assured, our designs are so sharp, they could cut through glass. Prepare to be amazed – your brand is about to get a makeover that'll turn heads and drop jaws. We’re so confident in our ability to deliver a design you’ll love, that we offer a 100% refund if you’re not completely satisfied.
  • Can you guarantee results?
    Guarantee? Our designs don't just guarantee results; they practically shout success from the rooftops. We don't play around – if you're not thrilled with the outcome, we'll eat our designer hat. 100% money-back? Please, that's just a formality. You're going to love it, no doubt.
Call 2

We're Ready To Help You

Talk to Joshua and Oscar (Founders) to get all your questions answered. You can schedule a free 30 minute online consultation call below. This will give us the chance to introduce ourselves and understand your project goals before getting started. There is no commitment required following the call.

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